Handmade Soap Technology

Making soap under 40-50 degree constant temperature, maximum control of loss natural plant nutrients in the process of making soap.

Natural Materials

Finalo is from global procurement vegetable oil, water, mineral and other natural, healthy, non-polluting, environmentally friendly raw materials and full research personal fragrance, bath, body care, skin care, and other products.


Finalo advocates natural skin care concept!
Natural organic, respect for the environment, gentle cleansing, skin deep caring, loving family concept is passed to each guest.

Traditional Culture

Finalo adhering to the principle of Chinese medicine health concept, followed the ancient beauty secret.

Rose pink

Rose , alias wandering flower, Rosa flowers, written in flowers, Rosaceae deciduous shrubs , roses shaped charming , elegant fragrance and rich colors.
Rose mainly contains vitamin C, carotene , thiamine, riboflavin , bitter quality , tannins and potassium, sodium , calcium, magnesium and other minerals . Some roses are vitamin C content is 50 times lemon . Can enhance the body's ability to produce collagen , resist free radicals and make the skin from UV damage.
Roses and warm, sweet , spicy and slightly bitter , can help the body upright running , promote blood circulation, the role of Stasis menstruation . Modern scientific research has found that the volatile oil contained roses promote bile secretion, can help digestion stomach . Rose petals can also be bathing beauty care , skin care to share the new century . Yang One can hold direct skin soft and shiny biggest secret in her bathing on the Huaqing Hot Springs , long soaking fresh rosebud . One beauty we make this value rosebud One step to get into the development .
In the period from May to June of each year, when Rose is about to open, the removal of its tender buds in batches through strict disinfection , sterilization, drying, pleasant aroma bud , rational qi and blood , liver stagnation , lipid-lowering diet , skin beauty and so on. Especially for menstrual pain , irregular menstruation have a magical effect . It can play keep taking blood gas, nourishing face role.
Flowers rose oil can be extracted , dried flowers can be used as medicine Reagan , with heat fire extinction and beauty peculiar effect . Rich in amino acids needed by the body , proteins , organic acids vitamin C, a large number of natural pigments and minerals , water, hibiscus acid ; and contains three wealth of rare elements : natural anthocyanins , natural flavonoids, natural total polyphenols.
Understanding of their role as early as there are records of roses in ancient China .
" Food Materia Medica " called "Master Lee lung and spleen , liver and gallbladder benefits , the provision of the evil of the gas, the sweet aroma of food , it is Hale ." And " Herbal justice" One step forward then summarize their characteristics: sweet, bitter , warm, non-toxic, it is " the most concentrated aroma , clear and not muddy, and not fierce , Rougan Xingpi , qi and blood flow , declared through stagnation snapped , and no disadvantages Xin Wen just dry , push off the gas separation medicine , the most McNair the most effective Xunliang who aroma of various products, the Scots their horses . " efficacy of roses esteem . Beauty rose early in the Sui and Tang dynasties , it is much favored elegant palace . One example was the Yang straight to keep skin soft and shiny live biggest secret in her bathing on the Huaqing Hot Springs , long soak with fresh rose petals.
Oral: This product is instant in water, instant ready to drink ( pure water is best ) , but also add honey , sugar. Can also be added to tea , juice, beer , long-term use , there is liver qi, blood stasis effect. The beauty of their face or body , Rose艳香makes for even more eclectic henselae . Efficacy of pink roses with qi and blood , liver stagnation , lipid-lowering diet , skin beauty and so on. Especially for menstrual pain , irregular menstruation have a magical effect . Also has whitening, moisturizing , beauty, menstruation and other effects.

【Product efficacy】
Whitening, moisturizing, beauty, menstruation and other effects.

Representative products

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